
Thursday, March 25, 2004

This blog is about to resume operational status.

Thursday, August 22, 2002

This blog is once again about to go operational!

Thursday, January 10, 2002

1 really good grass-roots organization that's rallying the American people against the Islamic threat to civilization is Operation Save America . Check it out.

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

Another Indication That We Are Winning the War:

The normally anti-American writer, Clarence Page has this to say:

After 9-11, terrorists have lost a major chunk of their big advantage -- the element of surprise. We are a more
alert nation now, enriched by a new awareness of the world's dangers and our own capabilities. Although we
picked up this new awareness in the worst way, through tragedy and heartache, we are a better people for having

In other words, we are a better nation after 9/11 than before. No America-bashing here, for a change.

And its about time too.

Sunday, January 06, 2002

And so, once again, Mad Mullah Omar has gotten clean away :

"The one-eyed mullah, on a motorbike, leaving Baghran. That appears to be the latest move in the game of Cluedo that the hunt for Mullah Mohammed Omar has now become."

CIA= Central Incompetency Agency?

Sure seems like it.

For the rest of that brilliant piece, here's the relevant URL: Fuerth on why attacking Iraq would be an exercise in stupidity

Here's an excerpt from a most excellent article from the N.Y. Times on the folly of attacking Iraq by Leon Fuerth:

After the dislocation of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, the next phase needs to be a sustained assault on the broader network: attacking its individual cells by working in concert with intelligence and police services around the world. Multilateral cooperation is of the essence, as it was in the Afghanistan campaign. Anything that distracts us from relentless pursuit of the system by which terrorist groups can operate as networked entities — and anything that detracts from the willingness of other governments to work alongside us — is at the expense of our national security.

An immediate attack on Saddam Hussein carries a very high risk of constituting just such a fatal diversion. Arguments that his fall would require little American military investment are reckless in the extreme. Claims that the Iraqi National Congress, or the two main Kurdish groups, are ready to be Iraq's version of the Northern Alliance are misapplied analogies. Assurances that Iraq's neighbors would be happy to see Mr. Hussein eliminated are dangerous simplifications. Claims that we can either hold the coalition together if we promptly attack Saddam Hussein or that we no longer need a coalition are simply guesses.

Friday, January 04, 2002


Eric Alterman, writing in the The Nation magazine has this to say about TNR's outrageously horrid "coverage" of the war on terrorism:

"TNR's editors have not merely been spectacularly wrong about the war but frequently nonsensical. In the magazine's November 19 editorial, for instance, it complained that we were losing the war because, like President Clinton, who had "stupidly" "ruled out the use of ground forces" in Kosovo, George Bush was now sending "the same lulling message: the United States will not put large numbers of troops on the ground." Oddly, the very same editorial noted that ethnic cleansing in Kosovo ended only when "Slobodan Milosevic was confronted with the threat of an imminent deployment of American ground forces." Since Clinton had supposedly ruled that out, one can only imagine who it was that threatened their "imminent deployment." President Gore?

In that same remarkable editorial, the editors grumbled that US military efforts had "gotten us exactly nowhere." The clear result: "The Taliban will rule Afghanistan through the winter, thereby handing the United States a humiliating and gratuitous defeat." "



Is is possible that Mad Mullah Omar has already been captured? This Yahoo! news report says so. Let's sure hope so! Will Osama Bin Lunatic be next on the block?
So the Defense Dept. top guys think that Osama Bin Laden was wounded in a U.S. bombing run? Let's hope so!! Story here:
http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20020104-4554948.htm .

Wednesday, January 02, 2002

From the N.Y. Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/02/national/02CND-TERR.html?todaysheadlines :

The charges accused Mr. Moussaoui of conspiring with the 19 hijackers who crashed planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, killing about 3,300 people. Specifically, the indictment said Mr. Moussaoui received payment from a man in Germany who is believed to have served as a paymaster for some of the hijackers.

Well, folks, it appears that the moves are bding made on Bin Laden & his merry scumbabs. May Moussaoui break & spill all so that this nation be spared future Sept. 11ths.

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